IT better


Website running like a dog?
I’ve got an app for that, or rather a big long list of things to tweak. Or even move you to a new super quick host with no downtime.

But you need somewhere to play with your new website whilst the old one is still going?
I’ve got you covered.

Worried about security?
Don’t be – I’ll make your website safe as houses and give you some tips to keep it that way.

Or do you want me to check in on it regularly and jump on any problems as soon as I see them?
Making sure it’s all patched and up to date.


Are you swimming in a sea of spam? Even worse, your clients complaining that you’re sending them spam?
I can stop that. Opening a can of whoop-ass on the can of spam. Like a can-off.

But your phone, tablet and laptop are all synced, right? Two minute job. And you’re using your own domain aren’t you?
Let’s get you looking nice and professional.

Email should just work, right?
It will do when I’ve finished with it!


A big stack of USB drives is the way forward, right? Or you just put everything in the cloud in plastic bags so it doesn’t get wet?

And how do you work out and about? How do you make it so it’s all the same and you can get what you need wherever you are?

Or is your internet connection as slow as a sloth after a heavy night out?
Let me check why so you can download kitty videos at lighting speed!

And backups – stop yawning! You’re being a sensible adult now. At least for 20 mins while we work out where your data should be stored.
Or do you want me to just look after it all so it just works?


“It was working yesterday!”
Obviously IT kit never breaks and no one ever changes anything.
Let me at your laptop with my magic hammer and you’ll be back up and running in no time.

Or are you trying to set something up so that it’s all fancy, and it all works apart from that one last little bit?
Give me a shout and we’ll get it sorted.

Need something new? Not a problem. Or are you not sure if you need something new?
Just holler.

Or even better, feed me tea and hobnobs and I’ll tell you what you need

Let’s Get Started

Don’t throw your expensive computer out of the window!